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Do three workouts per week. Never train two days in a row or do two workouts in a day. Wait one day before doing your next workout. This gives your body time to recover, get stronger and build muscle so you can lift heavier next workout. Alternate workout A and B each time you train. Most people train Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This gives you one recovery day between each workout, and two recovery days before your next workout on Monday.

Go home, eat and sleep. Two days later do workout B. Another two days later do workout A. Start week two with workout B because you finished week one with workout A. Then keep alternating the workouts each time you go to the gym.

Your second week will look like this if you train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday like most people…. Keep alternating workouts A and B. Week three and five will look like week one. Week four and six will look like week two. The app also auto-alternates workouts A and B. Start light so your body can get used to Squatting, pressing and pulling three times a week. This way you can build up your confidence and practice proper form.

Squat 20kg five times, rack the weight, and rest 90 seconds. Then Squat 20kg for five reps again. Then move to the next exercise. This gives you more Deadlift volume without the intensity of doing several sets of five with the same weight. Increase the weight every workout on each exercise where you completed five reps on each set.

All weights include the bar because you lift it. You need small plates of 1. The first weeks will feel easy. But the weight will increase fast. Your goal is to add weight every workout for as long as you can. But most people are surprised by how long they can add weight each workout with such a simple program. Your results depend on your age, gender, weight, technique, nutrition, sleep, experience, consistency, effort, etc.

Many people have doubled their Squat to lb, gained 24lb and lost 12lb in a year on this program. But these results are atypical for older lifters or females with less testosterone. The magnitude of the gains and time it takes varies. Your focus should therefore be to increase the weight until you reach these minimum targets.

This triggers your body to gain strength and muscle to lift heavier the next workout. Every exercise works several muscles. Together, these compound exercises work your whole body. This is what makes this program so time-efficient — you can train every single muscle by doing only three exercises per workout.

They actually grow better with compound exercises because you can lift heavier weights. This triggers more growth. This is why more strength is more muscle.

Your muscles must grow bigger to lift the heavier weights. The intensity is higher on compound exercises because you can use heavier weights. The compound exercises work your whole body. This creates a balanced body development. You will build your body. You will build muscle. A lot of muscle. The key is to increase your strength. According to the legend, Milo from Croton trained for the Olympics by carrying a calf each day.

The calf grew bigger which increased the weight he carried. This triggered his body to gain strength and muscle. It turned him into the best wrestler of his time. Milo won the Olympic Games 6x. He started light. He added weight slowly.

He added weight every workout. He lifted a heavy object that worked his whole body. He lifted it frequently. He balanced it himself. His program was simple. But it was hard work. And it was effective. But it works the same way. It will be obvious that this program is far more effective than the one muscle a day high rep isolation split routines so many people still waste time and effort on in Watch both videos and listen to me answering common questions.

The American lifters were floored and soon started to Squat too. Weightlifting coach Mark Berry gained 50lb body-weight by Squatting.

By the late s he was telling everyone to Squat in his magazine Strength. He could Squat lb, Bench lb and Deadlift lb. He was a competitive olympic lifter and powerlifter before turning bodybuilder. They might have met…. In he popularized it in his book The Strongest Shall Survive. In my mentor told me to start a website about lifting. The routine and its principles have been around long before I was born. Many training programs come and go. The next two exercises change based on whether you do workout A or B.

The workouts…. Do one workout per day. Be patient or increase the weight. Alternate workout A and B every time you train. Start with workout A today, do workout B in two days, then do workout A again. Wait at least one day between two workouts. This gives your body time to recover, get stronger and build muscle to lift heavier next workout. Do three workouts a week. Try to train the same days and times each week. This creates a habit that will increase your consistency. You could do four workouts a week.

You still have that day off inbetween but progress will be slightly faster. Most people like having two days off in a row though. And those who start with four usually switch to three later. So stick with three. Your training schedule will be more consistent. If you miss one or two workouts, continue where you left off.

Do that workout on Saturday. Again, use the app , they take care of all of this. Note that these three workouts a week are a full training program. It would hurt your recovery and prevent you to add weight each workout.


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