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Not familiar with your re4cording software but are you restricted to mp4 output? com hosted blogs and archive. Leave a review. There are a number of apps to choose from and download anytime.
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Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 7 Search Community member. Hey there. But when I click ‘Render As’, only render template for audio is shown, in the choice of ‘. The render window doesn’t show any video rendering templates my usual rendering template is ‘.
This isnt my first project and this is a re-edit of a movie with fresh un-edited clips that I already have rendered using sony vegas pro. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Originally Posted by DB That’s fine. I do not have v V10 is on another PC so can not try that right now.
But hopefully others can assist in the meantime. The clip plays but when I loaded it into avidemux would work if you just need to do simple editing there is a slight disturbance green picture right at the start. In the meantime, I would suggest that you uninstall Vegas. Remove all registry entries for it and tempory files and then re-install it. Codec packs are bad news and totally un-necessary. Its very easy and very old tip. And he has Pro so this would not work anyway.
You said “no trace” of video, but is there video, but black screen? Or is the video track completely absent, only audio? If what Cauptain suggested doesn’t work, you can probably re-wrap the MP4 as MP4 , but using the “mp42” format base media version 2 profile instead of “mp41” and it should import. At least it works in some versions of vegas that have the dreaded “black screen”, but audio present problem.
You can use ffmbc for example. But if you have “no trace” of video, not just black screen video track, then it might be a different issue Try to see if this re-wrapped clip imports in your version BTW, your audio is longer than your video in this clip.
Attached Files ffmbc. Not familiar with your re4cording software but are you restricted to mp4 output? That could be down to either original capture or the saved format. Originally Posted by Cauptain. Originally Posted by poisondeathray. Attached Thumbnails. Download the video in post 8, to see if it imports correctly ; If it doesn’t, then there is no use providing farther instructions on ffmbc.
Another workaround that sometimes works for vegas , is re-wrapping into MOV container. But the problem is you need quicktime installed, and some people don’t like quicktime quicktime alternative might work If one of those work, then I can provide farther instructions on using ffmbc to batch re-wrap.
The ‘disturbance’ should be visible when you play the clip in avidemux. If you look at the timeline you will see that the first frame is not true left but some mili-seconds on.
Those miliseconds are where there is audio but no video hence a ‘green’ flash. I am a bit concerned about your workflow. Your clip is already compressed. That being said, you need to go back to your capture software and see if you can capture lossless. Do not re-encode within that program and then try to import in to Vegas. I know that will import in to Vegas. Last edited by cornery19; 11th Dec at Most screen recording software records in a proprietory unique to itself format.
All video formats with one obvious exception have some form of compression. The advantage with a lossless which is compressed format is that there is no loss of quality at the editing stage. I think FRAPS also records in a proprietory format but since you then have its codec installed it will allow you to import. Maybe your own program also allows this. Batch rewrapping to MOV with ffmbc : 1 download ffmbc, easiest way is to put ffmbc. Last edited by poisondeathray; 11th Dec at Mirillis Action!
Its have various features not find in other softwares. Is AIW capture software. I can reproduce your issue and correct this using my first post. Batch rewrapping to MOV with ffmbc : 1 download ffmbc , easiest way is to put ffmbc. You can use xvfw in dxtory. So you can select almost any filesize, any recording quality. I think I might have found the problem.
I tried making an. Vegas had no problems importing in, the file size wasn’t huge, and I’m more than happy I can now proceed with my recordings. I feel bad about losing the previous 2 hours of footage I had recorded that I can’t use but oh well, our last mistake is our best teacher and practice makes it perfect right? Now I know better. I also tried making a regular. To my surprise, using the regular. Both the audio and video tracks got imported by Sony Vegas, and I couldn’t be happier as this means there’s nothing wrong with my codecs.
I ran a scan on the file with mediainfo and this is what I got; the sub-format was the same as those of the files I had recorded with the.